e-bike conversionS.
Hello and thanks for reaching out.
We appreciate your interest in Chilled Squirrel Electric Bikes.
With our experience in converting over 8000 bikes to electric since 2014, we understand that each bike, like each person, is unique.
Factors such as terrain, riding style, rider's weight, desired riding distance, and more, are crucial in determining the most suitable conversion system for you and your bike.
At Chilled Squirrel, we specialize in customizing our offer to fit your specific requirements, ensuring optimum comfort and performance tailored to your individual needs.
Feel free to reach out to discuss how we can personalize your electric bike experience.
For a free Evaluation please scroll down below and take a minute to provide us with this necessary information.
Armed with this information , our team will be able to do a professional assessment of what is best for you.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
PS: Please View “our conversion history” below to see some of the conversions we have done .
our conversion HISTORY.